Friday, April 29, 2011


In one of my most recent blogs, I referred to the US government as a "soap opera". I now stand corrected, as I have realized that a soap opera at least has a plot. Clearly what we have is less of a soap opera, and more of a reality show.

 In the wake of several very important issues and decisions, such as Defense Secretary Robert Gates facing the possibility of having to retire, the fact that budget cuts across the country may be forcing unemployment rates to jump even higher than they already are, and even significant cuts in the Medicare budget, government and the media seem to be focused on trivial things. Why is it that, instead of presenting the important issues, all of the front pages of the media outlets are blown up with stories about Obama's birth certificate? One that has been available for quite some time with a little online searching?
To add to the mix, we've got an election approaching soon. As with any reality show, you've got to add some ridiculous character to the mix when things start getting dull. The American public wasn't entertained enough by having real politicians run for office, so they threw in a walking, talking comb-over with a mouth the size of his wallet. Although it is not official yet, can someone please tell me why there is even a possibility of Donald Trump running in 2012? Trump adds no value to the American democracy, or to the people. CNN correspondent Will Cain sums it up perfectly in his most recent opinion post:

Trump's appeal is [hard] to see, but I think I understand. Deep inside, we all want to blurt out every obnoxious, politically incorrect, unpopular truism we think lurks inside us. But we're afraid. At first blush it appears Trump -- like Charlie Sheen -- is doing just that. But when you look closer, you realize he's not. Trump says nothing at all, nothing of substance, anyway. You just think he is, because he insists he is, and uses the word "frankly" a lot.
In fact, the only argument he ever makes that isn't peppered with "probably" escape hatches, is protectionist nonsense. He constantly tells Americans that our problems aren't our fault; they're the fault of the Chinese, OPEC and someone he shamefully says is an illegitimate president.

-Will Cain, CNN contributor

1 comment:

  1. Hey Steven-

    It seems we share the same concept of U.S. politics. As you mentioned, Trump is seeking to gain the presidency in 2012, that’s pretty bad. However, it’s not nearly as bad as the thought of Americans actually casting their vote for him. This country and our fascination with the public image is what Is dragging us down more and more. I will not discredit Trump is his successful monetary career, however, that does not mean he is capacitated to run a country with a real social and global crisis as we’re suffering currently. With more diverse issues erupting, we need a leader with a non-capitalist mindset, otherwise we might experience what we lived with Bush during his reign. In conclusion, I believe the American audience is not in tune with the “big picture,” or the realities that we’re facing. Also, in order for our nation to prosper once again, we as citizens must do our job and really make a conscience effort in electing a capacitated individual for president.

    Emmanuel Gomez
