Friday, May 13, 2011

Re: Obama Releases Long-Form Birth Certificate

Wow Tony, it looks like we had nearly the exact same views on the whole “birth certificate” issue. Rather than focusing on issues that really matter right now, the media and news outlets are hounding the government for a piece of paper to prove that our president is American born? Then again, you can’t really expect the American people to focus on more important things when every news source is busy covering a story that does nothing for anyone. As we talked about earlier in the semester, the newspaper is almost dead, yet it is the only source of news that offers multiple topics at once. The things that really matter get pushed to the side because Americans have almost been “trained” to want the pointless drama rather than important issues.
Although Obama didn’t personally kill Osama Bin Laden , this picture that has been circulating on the internet makes a great point:
The government has plenty of real issues to worry about. 

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