Friday, April 1, 2011


I doubt this is what the Founding Fathers wanted for our nation. Government has quickly become less about maintaining all aspects of this country and more of a 'soap opera' of sorts. Rather than worrying about issues that matter and attempting to put ANY focus on American citizens, the government seems to be more interested in doing things that cause a scene and make headlines. Government officials (primarily our oh-so-wonderful president) are more interested in trying to be the 'first' to do something supposedly revolutionary, rather than trying to work on things that don't require near as much effort and money. Instead of creating more jobs here in America, the government is more worried about becoming involved in a dick-measuring contest (pardon my language) with other nations by invading and attempting to change the way their systems work. Sure, it may seem like a decent attempt to make the world a better place. But what works for one group is not always the solution for other groups.
Speaking of forcing things on people, I can guarantee James Madison and company are turning in their graves knowing that the government has started trying to force new policies on its own people. If the majority says that a ridiculous bill - such as universal healthcare - is the opposite of what they want, then why force it upon them? Is the government that concerned with being 'revolutionary' that they have to force this 1,990 page pile of crap on us? Try again, government, you fail.


  1. You're probably correct to assume that the Founding Fathers of our nation would have flipped in their graves the way this country is heading. It is apparent from what we hear in the news today that America is trying to be the "super power" nation, yet we're 14 trillion dollars in debt right now and it's only growing every second. Obama seems focused on world issues instead of domestic issues -- even trying to become a global leader. But at WHO'S expense?

    You are correct to state that his intentions are purely to leave a legacy for historians. With the majority of House and Senate on his side at one point, his focus is concentrated solely on passing health care reform, not job bills or tax increases or anything to do with economic recovery for the middle class. Since he likes a resume for historians and posterity, let's add a one-term presidency to it.

  2. Hey Steven-

    I totally agree with you when you say that our government is based out of Hollywood, from the yellow journalism exposed on online news to the dramatic headlines in our local paper. The fact is most Americans, like me, are under the idea that our National government is turning a blind eye to our needs. With so much invested in over seas, U.S. officials seem to be monitoring their interests more than their responsibilities. As long as there’s a correlation between politics and capitalism, this nation will not be going in the direction many of us want it to go. Like you mentioned Steven, I’m sure our Founding Fathers did not envision this country as it is now.
